Our Adoptions From The Heart Story

Our Adoptions From The Heart Story – Matthew and Elizabeth Our Daughter Liliana was born on October 22, 2013 Starting a Family We were married for several years not thinking we’d want to have children right away.  We wanted to establish our careers, travel, and enjoy our new lives together.  Children were not in the [...]

My World is Now a Better Place

Julianna by Diana Cardamone Photography Chris and I had it all. Great families, amazing friends, rewarding careers, and good health. Sounds good, right? What could be better? However, to me, my world was just not right; it felt incomplete. The excitement of beginning a family was fresh in our minds and we entered [...]

Celebrating Adoptions From The Heart’s 35th Anniversary

Intro The desire to parent a child was the driving force that led us to adoption.  We both came from “traditional” family structures with a mother and father plus siblings.  I grew up in the Maryland suburbs of our nation’s capital amidst a diverse shifting population in the turbulent 1960s and 1970s.  It felt like [...]

Our Story-Jim and Therese’s Family Through Adoption

Jim and Therese and children on bicycles Road to Becoming a Party of Five Jim and I were high school sweethearts with a dream of what our future would look like.  We were married in 1987 and lived in a one-bedroom apartment.  Jim worked a full-time job and I was a full-time student.  [...]

A Father’s Journey in International Adoption

George, Lorelei (wife/Mom), and Elena Runkle (Center) By George Runkle, assisted by Elena Svetlana Runkle As of the summer of 2001 we had, throughout the previous year, watched our oldest daughter graduate from college and get married, and were in the process of preparing for our other daughter’s senior year in high school. [...]

David and Stephanie’s Family

Stephanie, Adam (10 months), and Dave at Disney World Stephanie and I began our adoption journey well before we first sat down with Adoptions from the Heart in early 2013.  We had been discussing bringing a child into our family by this route for some time preceding formal investigation along with crafting our [...]

A Tribute to Maxine

Left to Right: Brendan, Mary, Caroline, Larry, Peter, and Katie It was 35 years ago on a cold fall morning when Mary and I met Maxine for the first time. She had recently started her own private adoption agency. We met Maxine in the basement of her home for our initial intake. We [...]

National Infertility Awareness Week: Candi Meck

Candi and Chuck Meck met while both working at the grocery store 20+ years ago. “Chuck came to the store and delivered the milk. I always say that I married the milkman,” Candi laughed. The happy couple now has a 5-year-old daughter named Camryn.