Black Culture and Transracial Adoption

Black History Month has arrived and being fully educated on African American culture can be difficult. We at Adoptions From The Heart want to seize the opportunity to build on the cultural competency of our community. Specifically, our transracial adoptive parents raising or looking to raise a Black child.   Addressing Questions & Differences Some [...]

The Complexity of Transracially Adopting Black Children

Transracial Adoption History Transracial adoption has a long, complex history in the United States. The U.S. saw a major increase in adoption in general during the 1940s. But the first known transracial adoption of a black child by white parents occurred in 1948. A subsequent increase in the number of transracial adoptions occurred throughout the [...]

All About AFTH’s new Podcast: A Heart-to-Heart With Adoptions From The Heart

We are finally in the last two weeks of National Adoption Awareness Month 2020. This year's recognition of National Adoption Awareness Month may look a little different (ex. Zoom adoption finalizations) but despite these disappointing adjustments, the adoption community was able to find ways to creatively connect. This month AFTH launched our first-ever podcast series: [...]

Participants of AFTHtv’s Black Voices within Adoption reflect on Their Experience

This summer AFTHtv dedicated its entire sixth season to serve as a program giving Black voices within the adoption triad (adoptive parents, birth parents, adoptees) the platform to discuss racial matters and adoption in today’s society. New episodes aired on the nonprofit’s official Facebook page and YouTube channel every Tuesday. Social workers and adoption counselors [...]

The Day Our Daughter Lauren was Born

We finished all our paperwork on May 5 and were told that it would probably be 4-6 months before we were chosen as adoptive parents. 20 days later, AFTH called us and placed a newborn little girl with us. We took her home and 24 hours later the birth mother changed her mind. We took her [...]

Our World Changed Forever and Our Lives Truly Began

Abby, Josh, and baby Grayson at the AFTH Family Picnic Adoptee to Adoptive Mother Adopting a child has always been a dream of mine. I myself was adopted from South Korea as an infant. I always felt strongly about wanting to give a child the life, love, and opportunity that I was given [...]

Celebrating Adoptions From The Heart’s 35th Anniversary

Intro The desire to parent a child was the driving force that led us to adoption.  We both came from “traditional” family structures with a mother and father plus siblings.  I grew up in the Maryland suburbs of our nation’s capital amidst a diverse shifting population in the turbulent 1960s and 1970s.  It felt like [...]

Springtime Family Fun Ideas

It’s almost time to lose your heavy coats, gloves, and boots because Spring is approaching! Spring is the perfect time to get outdoors, go on new adventures, and make memories with your family. Below is a curated list of things for your family to do that will allow you to kick off this spring season [...]

Things to Consider Before You Pursue a Transracial Adoption

Before deciding to adopt outside of your race, there are a few things you should consider. Here are some things to think about: Analyze your community It is crucial that your child forms meaningful relationships with others of the same race. Ask yourself the following questions. How diverse is your neighborhood? Are the schools in [...]