We finished all our paperwork on May 5 and were told that it would probably be 4-6 months before we were chosen as adoptive parents. 20 days later, AFTH called us and placed a newborn little girl with us. We took her home and 24 hours later the birth mother changed her mind. We took her back and kept our names in the book because we wanted a family. One week later, on June 7, 2008, our daughter Lauren was born. This June she will be 12. We met her when she was 11 hours old. The nursery wasn’t finished, and we had nothing ready, but my in-laws helped us put the crib together and we did a big shopping trip to Babies R Us.
The first time we met Lauren’s birth mother was in the hospital. We’ve met with her every year in person, about 2-3 times a year. We also are friends on Facebook, and we text each other. Anytime Lauren has a question about something, her birth mother always answers the questions honestly and easily.
We feel that even with a disruption, our family came to be the way it was supposed to. We highly recommend adoption to anyone.
Happy Raider Lauren