Adopting older children comes with its own set of challenges, but with the right approach and support, it can be a rewarding experience for both the child and the parent. Understanding the unique difficulties these children may face and providing them with the necessary tools and guidance can make a significant difference in their lives. 

Challenges Unique to Adopting Older children:

  • The child may come from a chaotic and unstructured environment, requiring stability and structure in their new home.
  • Previous insecurities may manifest in inappropriate behaviors, necessitating age-appropriate therapy to address emotional and behavioral issues.
  • They will experience grief, separation, and loss, requiring understanding and support to navigate these complex emotions. Infant adoptees will grow up with the same kinds of emotions, however older children can experience these differently based on the memories that they have. 
  • Self-esteem and identity issues may arise, necessitating parental guidance and reassurance.
  • Attachment issues may be present, requiring patience and love to build a strong bond with the child.

Benefits for the Child:

  • Provide help through the emotional confusion of adolescence, offering guidance and support during this critical stage of their development.
  • Offer educational encouragement and support through middle school, high school, and beyond, ensuring they have the necessary resources to succeed academically.
  • Provide parental guidance through important life milestones such as applying for scholarships, jobs, colleges, apartments, etc.
  • Create a loving and supportive family environment, where the child has a place to come home to during holidays, birthdays, and family events.
  • Offer financial backup for their early years into adulthood, giving them a solid foundation to start their independent lives.
  • Provide a forever family who loves and supports them unconditionally, giving them a sense of belonging and someone to give their love to.

Tips for Adopting Older Children:

  • Age-appropriate therapy can help the child through the emotional confusion of adolescence and provide them with the necessary tools to cope with their past experiences.
  • Approach everything with kindness, as these children may have experienced trauma and need a compassionate and understanding environment to thrive.
  • Continue to educate yourself about meeting the unique needs of a child adopted through foster care, especially one who is older.
  • Adopting older children may present unique challenges, but with the right support and approach, it can be a transformative experience for both the child and the parent. By providing love, guidance, and a stable environment, parents can help these children overcome their past and build a brighter future.