We are excited to announce the launch of Adoptions From The Heart TV!

Every week a new episode will be published.

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We will cover a broad array of topics, including more information about AFTH, resources for birth parents, and resources for adoptive parents.

Season 1: Adoptions From The Heart TV

Episode 1: The Woman Behind Adoptions From The Heart
Episode 2: What Are The Differences Between Foster Care And Private Adoption?
Episode 3: Prospective Adoptive Parents: Surviving The Wait During The Holidays
Episode 4: A Birth Mother’s Story: Advice For Expecting Parents Considering Adoption
Episode 5: Birth Parent Support During The Holiday Season
Episode 6: Facing The Unknowns In Adoption As Adoptive Parents
Episode 7: My Experience with Adoption as a NICU Social Worker
Episode 8: Exploring Your Options When Facing an Unplanned Pregnancy
Episode 9: AFTH’s Out of Area Program
Episode 10: Things to Consider When Choosing an Adoption Agency
Episode 11: What is Open Adoption? Open Adoption 101
Episode 12: What Are The Risks Of Not Using An Adoption Agency?
Episode 13: The Importance Of Support For Expecting & Birth Parents

Season 2: Adoptions From The Heart TV

Episode 1: Meet Our Adoption Agency’s Associate Director
Episode 2: Pediatric Hospitalist On The Realities Of Prenatal Drug Exposure
Episode 3: Pregnant & Considering Adoption – Taking The Fear Out Of The First Call To An Agency
Episode 4: Parenting During The Revocation Period: Thoughts For Prospective Adoptive Parents
Episode 5: Telling My Story As A Birth Mother: A Conversation With Mary
Episode 6: Your First Meeting: Prospective Adoptive Parents & Expecting Parents
Episode 7: The Biggest Fears Expectant & Adoptive Parents Have About Adoption
Episode 8: Moving From Infertility To Adoption
Episode 9: Birth Mothers’ Experiences: What Open Adoption Looks Like For Me
Episode 10: My Son Decided To Search For His Birth Mother
Episode 11: Emergency Placement: Choosing Adoption In The Hospital After Giving Birth
Episode 12: Open Adoption: Keeping The Door Open When Contact Isn’t Consistent
Episode 13: Making An Adoption Plan: Choosing A Family & Deciding On Openness

Season 3: Adoptions From The Heart TV

Episode 1: Tips For Families Waiting To Adopt A Baby
Episode 2: The Post Adoption Placement Grief Process For Birth Mothers
Episode 3: Adopting As A Single Woman
Episode 4: I Was 38 When I Chose Adoption For My Baby
Episode 5: Tips For Those Choosing An Interstate Adoption
Episode 6: Birth Mothers Discuss Boundaries, Openness, and Support
Episode 7: The Importance of NOT Oversharing Your Child’s Adoption Story
Episode 8: Staying Connected to Birth Grandparents Through Open Adoption
Episode 9: What Is Connected Parenting?
Episode 10: Keeping Your Home Study Paperwork Organized
Episode 11: Visiting China, My Birth Country
Episode 12: Support for Expecting Parents During Their Hospital Experience
Episode 13: Adoption Profile Tips What Expecting Parents Are Looking for in Profile

Season 4: Adoptions From The Heart TV

Episode 1: One Year Anniversary Recap
Episode 2: Transitioning from a Closed to an Open Adoption
Episode 3: What To Expect From The Adoption Process As A Prospective Adoptive Parent
Episode 4: Birth Father Choosing Not to Be a Part of the Adoption Process
Episode 5: Chris & Jeremy Meeting Our Son In The Hospital
Episode 6: My Journey As A Birth Father
Episode 7: Tips for AFTH Prospective Adoptive Parents Who Are Using ParentFinder
Episode 8: Visiting with My Son Since Placing Him for Adoption
Episode 9: How the Birth Parent Support Group Has Helped Me Process My Grief
Episode 10: Adoption Attorney Explains the Benefits of Working With An Agency
Episode 11: Birth Grandmother Sandy Open Adoption Extends Beyond Birth Parents
Episode 12: Transracial Adoption Establishing a Racial Identity
Episode 13: Online Birth Parent Support Group

Season 5: Adoptions From The Heart TV

Episode 1: Adopting Three Times Each Experience is Unique
Episode 2: Considering Adoption Again: Different Circumstances Led to a Different Decision
Episode 3: Advice for Adopting Partners Who Disagree During Process
Episode 4: Birth Father to Birth Father
Episode 5: Experiencing an AFTH Birth Parent Support Group
Episode 6: Different Priorities or Concerns when Adopting a Second Time
Episode 7: The Impact of the Birth Parent Support Fund
Episode 8: AFTH Family Offers Advice for Others Considering Transracial Adoption
Episode 9: Choosing Open Adoption for my Daughter
Episode 10: Reasons Prospective Adoptive Families Might Have Longer Waits
Episode 11: Deciding on Adoption at the Hospital
Episode 12: Red Flags Prospective Adoptive Parents Should Watch For
Episode 13: Choosing to Adopt as a Same Sex Couple

Season 6: Adoptions From The Heart TV

Episode 1: Being Colorblind is not the Answer
Episode 2: Talking About Race With our Children
Episode 3A: Stereotypes About Adoption in the Black Community
Episode 3B: Stereotypes About Adoption in the Black Community
Episode 4: Should Black Children Only Be Placed with Black Families
Episode 5: Importance of Hair & Skin Care
Episode 6: Having Mentors and Mirrors in the Black Community
Episode 7A: Questions for our Birth Parent Panel PART 1
Episode 7B: Questions for our Birth Parent Panel PART 2
Episode 8: Talking with Denise about Race and Adoption
Episode 9: Talking with Birth Mothers about Race and Adoption
Episode 10: My Journey as a Transracial Adoptee
Episode 11: Advice for Young Adoptees and for Those Considering Transracial Adoption
Episode 12: My Experience as a Black Woman Placing My Child for Adoption
Episode 13: Choosing Adoption as a Same Sex Interracial Couple
Episode 14: Our Experience Adopting as an Interracial Couple
Episode 15: Adoption Triad Discussion Part 1
Episode 16: Adoption Triad Discussion Part 2

Season 7: Adoptions From The Heart TV

Episode 1: Behind The Scenes Looking Back at the Past 2 Years of AFTHTV
Episode 2: My Story as a Birth Mother: Parenting, Pregnant & Placing
Episode 3: Our Adoption Experience with AFTH
Episode 4: Advocating for Expecting Parents at the Hospital
Episode 5: Grieving Process and Post Placement Support for Birth Parents
Episode 6: Explaining Adoption Disruptions to Prospective Adoptive Parents
Episode 7: Holiday Bonus: Surviving the Holidays With Ashley Mitchell
Episode 8: Signing Termination of Parental Rights
Episode 10: Our Experience Adopting as a Gay Couple & Advice for Others Beginning the Process
Episode 11: Battling Addiction While Pregnant
Episode 12: An Adoptee Who Became a Birth Mother
Episode 13: Birthfather to Birthfather The Power of Sharing Their Stories

Season 8: Adoptions From The Heart TV

Episode 1: Choosing Adoption While Parenting Children
Episode 2: What is the Support Like for Expecting and Birth Parents
Episode 3: Finding Support During the Adoption Process When Facing a Long Wait
Episode 4: My Story as a Birth Father
Episode 5: Advice from a Birth Father
Episode 6: Attachment and Cocooning Process for Adoptive Parent
Episode 7: Working Through Initial Fears of Open Adoption
Episode 8: Sharing My Experience as an International Adoptee
Episode 9: Advice for Other Transracial Adoptees & Their Families
Episode 10: A Positive Drug Test at the Hospital Doesn’t Take Away Your Option to Choose Adoption
Episode 11: Adopting as a Same-Sex Couple
Episode 12: Taking the Mystery Out of Post Placement Visits
Episode 13: I Was Pregnant and Needed to Decide What Was Best for Me

Season 9: Adoptions From The Heart TV

Episode 1: In-Depth Support & Wrap Around Services for Expecting and Birth Parents
Episode 2: Creating a Village with Adoption in Mind
Episode 3: Expecting Father Support & Services
Episode 3 EXTRA: Rizzo, Cameraman & Birth Father, Steps from Behind the Camera to React to Episode 3
Episode 4: Prospective Adoptive Parents Facing a Long Hospital Stay
Episode 5: My Life Has Come Full Circle as an AFTH Adoptee to an AFTH Social Worker
Episode 6: Our Experience as New AFTH Social Workers
Episode 7: Expecting Parents Feeling Pressure from Family and Friends
Episode 8: Open Adoption in the Hispanic Community
Episode 9: Open Adoption Relationships with Extended Birth Family
Episode 10: Why Second Parent Adoption is Important
Episode 11: Expanding our AFTH Family From Clients to Staff
Episode 12: Navigating Open Adoption with an Incarcerated Birth Parent
Episode 13: Experiencing an Emergency Placement

Season 10: Adoptions From The Heart TV

Episode 1: My Experience as a Transgender Birth Father
Episode 2: Discussing Post Adoption Depression
Episode 3: Highs and Lows of Open Adoption Placing My Child 25 Years Ago
Episode 4: How Our Open Adoption Grew Over Time
Episode 5: Unexpected Call from Your Child’s Birth Parent About a Sibling
Episode 6: A Birth Father’s Story Navigating Open Adoption After We Broke Up
Episode 7: How Has COVID Impacted AFTH
Episode 8: Providing Free Workshops for Expecting and Birth Parents
Episode 9: Transracial Adoptees Jordan and Jason Share Their Story
Episode 10: Navigating Transracial Adoption as White Adoptive Parents
Episode 11: Navigating Different Open Adoption Levels for Each Child
Episode 12: Navigating Inconsistencies in Open Adoption Relationships
Episode 13: Clayton: Sharing My Story as An Adoptee
Episode 14: Adoption & LGBTQ+ Families

Season 11: Adoptions From The Heart TV

Episode 1: Adoptions From The Heart Response to Roe v Wade
Episode 2: Choosing To Place While Parenting Triplets
Episode 3: Our Identified Adoption Journey
Episode 4: A Behind the Scenes Look at the Interstate (ICPC) Process
Episode 5: Why I Stayed Involved as a Birth Father
Episode 6: Our Open Adoption Journey
Episode 7: My Younger Siblings Were Placed for Adoption
Episode 8: Life After Placement
Episode 9: Birth Grandparents: An Open Adoption Relationship with Our Grandchild
Episode 10: I Was A Birth Mother Before I became an Adoptive Mother
Episode 11: Placing a Child During Covid and Open Adoption Experience

Season 12: Adoptions From The Heart TV

Episode 1: What Has Changed During My Time as a Social Worker at AFTH
Episode 2: Adoption Attorney Deborah Spivack
Episode 3: Miss Delaware: Grace Otley
Episode 4: Pregnancy, Addiction, Adoption
Episode 5: Experiencing a Disappointment After Being Matched
Episode 6: Helping Prospective Adoptive Parents Navigate the Adoption Process
Episode 7: First a Birth Mother and Now an AFTH Employee
Episode 8: What is an Identified Adoption?
Episode 9: AFTH Social Work Interns

Season 13: Adoptions From The Heart TV

Episode 1: A Disruption from a Social Workers Perspective
Episode 2: We Experienced an Adoption Disruption
Episode 3: What Are AFTH’s Email Situations
Episode 4: Adoption Was the Right Choice for Me
Episode 5: Reuniting with My Former Social Worker
Episode 6: Joining AFTH as an Adoption Social Worker
Episode 7: Expecting and Birth Father Services and Support
Episode 8: Connecting with My Birth Mother When I was 16
Episode 9: Older Child Placements
Episode 10: International Adoptee Becomes an Adoption Social Worker
Episode 11: Why I Placed My Second Child for Adoption When I Was Parenting My First
Episode 12: Open Adoption Exchange of Pictures and Letters

Season 14: Adoptions From The Heart TV

Episode 1: Reunited Adoptee Why I Wanted Open Adoption for My Daughter
Episode 2: Educating Extended Family and Embracing Openness
Episode 3: Older Child Placement and the Value of Support During a Long ICPC
Episode 4: Re-Visiting My Open Adoption After A Long Pause
Episode 5: Leaving the Door Open for Open Adoption
Episode 6: Extending Open Adoption Beyond Birth Parents
Episode 7: Experiencing a Long NICU Stay
Episode 8: Talking to Your Child About Adoption
Episode 9: Navigating Adoption and a Long Wait as a Same Sex Interracial Couple
Episode 10: I Didn’t Even Know I Was Pregnant
Episode 11: AFTH’s Role In Assisting Expecting and Birth Fathers
Episode 12: Adopting a Second Time: Concerns about Different Levels of Openness
Episode 13: Adoptive Families Can Benefit from Working with a Doula Too

Season 15: Adoptions From The Heart TV

Episode 1: Considering Placing a Non-Infant for Adoption
Episode 2: My Experience Placing My Daughter 15 Years Ago
Episode 3: Brian’s Experience Placing His Daughter for Adoption 15 Years Ago
Episode 4: Over 15 Years of Navigating Our Open Adoption
Episode 5: From Infertility to Embracing Open Adoption
Episode 6: Reconnecting with My Birth Siblings
Episode 7: We Became Parents Overnight
Episode 8: Grieving Infertility Prior to Beginning Their Adoption Journey
Episode 9: Our Journey Adopting a Child with Down Syndrome
Episode 10: I Always Knew I Was Adopted
Episode 11: The Process of Adopting Our Niece Internationally
Episode 12: Adoptive Parent Post Placement Guilt
Episode 13: Our Experience As Transracial Adoptive Parents

Season 16: Adoptions From The Heart TV

Episode 1: Tim and Greg’s Journey with AFTH
Episode 2: Adding to Our Family Through Adoption